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All of the LEGAL STUFF!

Protecting your rights • And Mine...

Terms and Conditions

  • How do I get started with your services and what is the process?
    Getting started is simple. You have an idea in mind and you will need to submit the request. Start with your idea and submit a summary of your request here. You will receive an email confirmation at the address provided to schedule a date / time for a free initial consultation. Once confirmed, I will contact you on the date / time agreed to prepare your design briefing (this is a creative summary of your ideas). During the briefing, I will ask a few questions that will help me understand your business and how I can help you creatively. Within 48 hours, I will send a quote along with details of the terms and timeline for completing your project. Once you confirm and agree - we begin your project based on the terms! *Most services require a 50% non-refundable deposit PRIOR to beginning the design, and remaining investment prior to delivering the final product.
  • What should I expect from your free initial consultation?
    My consultation is just an opportunity to get to know your business and goals. During the FREE consultation, I will be asking you questions to understand your design request. Don't worry, this will not be an exam and there are no penalties for incorrect answers, however, the more information you provide, the better your results in your design! Within 48 hours, I will send a design quote along with details of the terms and timeline for completing your project. After confirmation, we are all set to get started!
  • What is the average turnaround time for each project?
    The turnaround time for projects varies and depends on the workload currently scheduled. As a general rule, please follow the guide below: . Logo and Branding: 14 - 30 Days Internet and Web Design Not Available Drawing and Sketching 48 - 72 Hours Print and Media Designs 24 - 48 Hours / per item Photoshop and Editing 24 - 48 Hours / per item Priority servicing can be requested for an additional 50% the total investment.
  • What days are you available for projects?
    My availability varies and is often determined based on my workload. As a general rule of thumb, I am available at the following times below: . Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM Saturdays All Day Sunday Closed for family time If for some reason you have a simple question about my schedule and would like to ask a question, please submit your questions here.
  • Do you only provide services to local clients?
    StyleTheArist locally services clients out of Alabama, USA, but is not bias to service you or anyone in need of creative assistance outside of my local area.
  • How do you conduct invoicing and payments?
    StyleTheArtist generally provides detailed quotes and terms of services before starting your project, so that you are not stuck in a payment dilemma. If anything changes throughout your project, I am completely transparent about the third party and additional cost. Most services require a 50% non-refundable deposit PRIOR to the start of the project, and remaining investment prior to delivering the final product. The following payment methods are accepted: Cash Debit / Credit Cards CashApp Paypal *No Checks Please
  • If I'm not satisfied, are your services refundable?"
    My goal is to provide you with an amazing product for an affordable cost that is competitive with other solutions in the industry. Because I am detailed in gathering the information needed to complete your project, and I will invest the time necessary to ensure that you are 100% satisfied, my services are non-refundable. If for some reason you have an issue, don't hesitate to contact me so that we can come up with a solution that works for both of us.
  • What are your terms of service?
    Please see my extended terms and conditions of service here.


"Style never speaks, but somehow is always saying something.”

-Mircea Popister


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